Pricing Plan FAQs

Pricing Plan FAQs

Pricing Plan FAQs

1. What are subscription plans?

Upon subscribing, you will receive a monthly allotment of credits to continually translate new content. Additionally, subscribers benefit from reduced prices on extra credit purchases, enabling more economical translations. Full access to enhanced features like customizable switchers and glossaries is also included.

2. How much content can credits or plans translate?

The cost to translate a word ranges from 1 to 3 credits, depending on the language pair. It is typically 1.2 dollars for 1000 credits after subscription. 

Higher-tier plans are structured to offer a lower per-unit cost for credits,​​and also include bonus credits with each subscription. This added value provides substantial cost savings.

For extensive translation needs across multiple languages, additional credits can be purchased on top of any plan.

3. What happens to my translations if I downgrade from a higher plan to a lower plan?

Don’t worry. The GPT-4 translations will remain in your store as your assets. Just try the plan suitable for you. 

4. How is pricing calculated?

Our pricing model is usage-based, which means you pay only for what you successfully translate

You will need to purchase translation credits in advance, and the number of credits required varies by language pair and usage. For detailed information, please refer to our Pricing Plan. 

Credits are only consumed upon successful translation, allowing you full control over your expenditures as unused credits remain in your account.

5. How can I determine the amount of credits/words needed for my current shop status?

Our dashboard features a credit calculator that accurately estimates the necessary credits for each language. Prior to finalizing any translation, the system automatically calculates and displays the required credits, ensuring you are billed solely for what you use. This precision ensures cost transparency.

If you have any questions about or need help, or if you wish to learn more, please contact us at support@agiforge or schedule a demo at We look forward to your feedback and inquiries.

1. What are subscription plans?

Upon subscribing, you will receive a monthly allotment of credits to continually translate new content. Additionally, subscribers benefit from reduced prices on extra credit purchases, enabling more economical translations. Full access to enhanced features like customizable switchers and glossaries is also included.

2. How much content can credits or plans translate?

The cost to translate a word ranges from 1 to 3 credits, depending on the language pair. It is typically 1.2 dollars for 1000 credits after subscription. 

Higher-tier plans are structured to offer a lower per-unit cost for credits,​​and also include bonus credits with each subscription. This added value provides substantial cost savings.

For extensive translation needs across multiple languages, additional credits can be purchased on top of any plan.

3. What happens to my translations if I downgrade from a higher plan to a lower plan?

Don’t worry. The GPT-4 translations will remain in your store as your assets. Just try the plan suitable for you. 

4. How is pricing calculated?

Our pricing model is usage-based, which means you pay only for what you successfully translate

You will need to purchase translation credits in advance, and the number of credits required varies by language pair and usage. For detailed information, please refer to our Pricing Plan. 

Credits are only consumed upon successful translation, allowing you full control over your expenditures as unused credits remain in your account.

5. How can I determine the amount of credits/words needed for my current shop status?

Our dashboard features a credit calculator that accurately estimates the necessary credits for each language. Prior to finalizing any translation, the system automatically calculates and displays the required credits, ensuring you are billed solely for what you use. This precision ensures cost transparency.

If you have any questions about or need help, or if you wish to learn more, please contact us at support@agiforge or schedule a demo at We look forward to your feedback and inquiries.

1. What are subscription plans?

Upon subscribing, you will receive a monthly allotment of credits to continually translate new content. Additionally, subscribers benefit from reduced prices on extra credit purchases, enabling more economical translations. Full access to enhanced features like customizable switchers and glossaries is also included.

2. How much content can credits or plans translate?

The cost to translate a word ranges from 1 to 3 credits, depending on the language pair. It is typically 1.2 dollars for 1000 credits after subscription. 

Higher-tier plans are structured to offer a lower per-unit cost for credits,​​and also include bonus credits with each subscription. This added value provides substantial cost savings.

For extensive translation needs across multiple languages, additional credits can be purchased on top of any plan.

3. What happens to my translations if I downgrade from a higher plan to a lower plan?

Don’t worry. The GPT-4 translations will remain in your store as your assets. Just try the plan suitable for you. 

4. How is pricing calculated?

Our pricing model is usage-based, which means you pay only for what you successfully translate

You will need to purchase translation credits in advance, and the number of credits required varies by language pair and usage. For detailed information, please refer to our Pricing Plan. 

Credits are only consumed upon successful translation, allowing you full control over your expenditures as unused credits remain in your account.

5. How can I determine the amount of credits/words needed for my current shop status?

Our dashboard features a credit calculator that accurately estimates the necessary credits for each language. Prior to finalizing any translation, the system automatically calculates and displays the required credits, ensuring you are billed solely for what you use. This precision ensures cost transparency.

If you have any questions about or need help, or if you wish to learn more, please contact us at support@agiforge or schedule a demo at We look forward to your feedback and inquiries.

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